Tuesday 29 March 2011

Hire Lawyers Well-Versed with False Claim Act

The act of whistle blowing is worth the risk and whistleblowers may have little knowledge about the provisions of False Claim Act. The lack of knowledge about the law may create misconception and the whistleblower may not be accredited for his courageous deed. Therefore, it is necessary to hire experienced lawyers who are well-versed with False Claim Act.
Originally passed during the American Civil War (1861-1865), the False Claim Act law allows a citizen to file action against the federal contractors, who are accused of fraud cases against the government. Also, the law has a provision according to which whistleblowers are rewarded with 15-30% of the amount recovered from the defaulters.
Whistleblower Action Network in Chicago is one such authentic law firm where experienced lawyers take pleasure to represent whistleblowers throughout the United States and prosecute cases on behalf of their clients and the government.  This affiliation of lawyers is thorough with the Whistleblower Protection Act and is able to handle legal cases such as pharmaceutical fraud, private insurance fraud and illegal actions in the field of education, public work places, financial market etc.
At Whistleblower Action Network, the lawyers undergo complete investigation of the qui tam cases and achieve best possible result for their clients. If you are carrying out a whistle blowing action in your area, then it’s time to hire lawyers from credible firm so that you can win against the bad practices prevailing in the society.

Saturday 19 March 2011

Blow a Whistle against Pharmaceutical Fraud Cases to Protect Public Interest

Have you ever wondered about raising voice against fraud cases in the pharmaceutical company you are working with? Well, you can now blow a whistle against the misconduct and report the issues to the person in authority. You can expose the fraud cases before public and protect public interest.

Many pharmaceutical companies are often brought into limelight for undertaking off-label marketing practices. This illegal activity includes marketing of pharmaceutical products for unapproved medical reasons. Besides this, you might have come across some cases wherein doctors are pressurized to prescribe only those medicines, which are being manufactured by specific pharmaceutical companies. The medicine may not work out properly to cure certain diseases and patients may suffer from long-term illness.

Being a whistleblower, if you want to eradicate cases related to medicare fraud and abuses then you can seek assistance from attorneys handling medicaid fraud cases. Are you afraid of taking the first step towards public interest?

Take the help of Whistleblower Action Network based in Chicago that has a team of experienced lawyers to prosecute whistle blowing cases. The attorneys are also well-versed with legal rules related to whistleblower protection act, false claim act etc. to ensure right step at the right direction.

So, get in touch with experienced attorneys and let your pharmaceutical fraud cases solved in a successful manner.

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Qui tam Lawyers- Hire Right One to Resolve Whistleblower Cases

If you have information on any type of fraudulent practices happening around, then step ahead towards seeking help from qui tam lawyers. They are specialized in handling legal cases brought under False Claim Act Law on behalf of the United States Government. Qui tam lawyers prosecute cases for individuals who report against the unlawful activities in private or public sector.
While selecting right attorney for your Whistle blowing cases, you should consider the following points mentioned below:
·         Experience of the lawyer in terms of success with Qui tam cases
·         Area of specialization opted by the qui tam lawyers and his/her knowledge about the Whistleblower Protection Act
·         Reputed attorneys who have relationship with government investigators and prosecutors such that they can undergo legal proceedings successfully
·         Law firms which ensure maximum recovery of False Claims Act cases at low expense
Now-a-days a number of law firms are offering legal support to whistleblowers. In order to get credible attorney, you can contact Whistleblower Action Network who helps to resolve your qui tam cases.
 It is an affiliation of award-winning lawyers who represents whistleblowers throughout the United States. They undergo complete investigation of the cases on behalf of their clients at their own expense and file cases in an authentic manner.
So, don’t look anywhere else! All you have to do is to fill in the questionnaire available over the website (LINK) of Whistleblowers Action Network and build relationship with the attorneys for your cases.