Saturday 19 March 2011

Blow a Whistle against Pharmaceutical Fraud Cases to Protect Public Interest

Have you ever wondered about raising voice against fraud cases in the pharmaceutical company you are working with? Well, you can now blow a whistle against the misconduct and report the issues to the person in authority. You can expose the fraud cases before public and protect public interest.

Many pharmaceutical companies are often brought into limelight for undertaking off-label marketing practices. This illegal activity includes marketing of pharmaceutical products for unapproved medical reasons. Besides this, you might have come across some cases wherein doctors are pressurized to prescribe only those medicines, which are being manufactured by specific pharmaceutical companies. The medicine may not work out properly to cure certain diseases and patients may suffer from long-term illness.

Being a whistleblower, if you want to eradicate cases related to medicare fraud and abuses then you can seek assistance from attorneys handling medicaid fraud cases. Are you afraid of taking the first step towards public interest?

Take the help of Whistleblower Action Network based in Chicago that has a team of experienced lawyers to prosecute whistle blowing cases. The attorneys are also well-versed with legal rules related to whistleblower protection act, false claim act etc. to ensure right step at the right direction.

So, get in touch with experienced attorneys and let your pharmaceutical fraud cases solved in a successful manner.

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