Friday 27 May 2011

Contacting False Claim Act Lawyers to Solve Qui tam Cases

You must have come across fraudulent cases in the medical institutions and pharmaceutical companies under federal government. And, the two most common illegal practices prevailing in health care sectors must be billing of services and medical products that has not been provided and the pharmaceutical kickbacks, wherein physicians are provided with hidden payments for prescribing medicines and treatments which are least effective to the specific ailments.

Unlike others, if you deeply feel for the well-being of people around you, then it’s high time to raise your voice against such pharmaceutical frauds. You can seek legal support from Whistleblower Action Network, a Chicago-based legal firm and can step towards whistle blowing. According to False Claim Act, an individual can report against the fraudulent cases against the government, irrespective of whether he/she is associated with the government.

At Whistleblower Action Network, you will find award-winning false claim act lawyers who are experienced in solving cases of medicare fraud and abuses (qui tam cases). They have in depth knowledge about the rules and regulation under Whistleblower Protection Act and are able to provide security support to the whistleblowers.

Your bold step against medicare fraud will contribute a lot for the development of society. Contact the experienced attorneys and start blowing whistle from now onwards!

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