Friday 28 October 2011

Whistleblower Protection Act is a Shield against Medicare Frauds

People who used to witness many misconducts and medicare frauds & abuses in their surroundings and used to keep their mouth shut, now they can raise their voice. The reason behind such statements lies in the formation and passing of Whistleblower Protection Act in the constitution.

Now, there are no threats to the victim's rights or to the freedom from alleged bodies. Alleged bodies cannot bring any changes in the policies or in terms and conditions, if the victim is an employee in the company. Similarly, even if the alleged body does not have any relation concerning to profession with the victim, then also the employers or the concerning bodies can not make any amendments in the existing policies and in regulations.

These days, we often encounter with medicare fraud and abuse or pharmaceutical fraud and abuse in our surroundings. Therefore, raise your voice to stop the injustice and frauds happening in the medical institutes and in medical companies.

Whistleblower attorneys are there to protect your rights and help you in getting justice sooner. To know more you visit the website now!

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