Tuesday 27 December 2011

Whistleblower Protection Act Protecting All Whistleblowers

Many a times, it becomes quite tough to blow a whistle against the agency where you are employed. People fear of losing their position, job and reputation due to blowing the whistle against financially strong people. But, after the formation of Whistleblower Protection Act, such people can whistle against every medicare fraud and abuse happening in the country.

Under Whistleblower Protection Act alleged bodies can not threat to victims’ rights or to the freedom. During the prosecution, the alleged bodies cannot bring any type of amendments where existing rules, regulations, policies, terms and conditions are affected. The alleged bodies have to wait for judgment and then, they can think for any amendments. This is the main guideline where Whistleblower Protection Act has helped many people to raise their voice against pharmaceutical frauds happening in their surroundings.

Moreover, at Whistleblower Action Network, the whistleblower attorneys are highly skilled and seasoned to provide satisfactory justice in less time. These whistleblower attorneys have strong local network that helps them to accumulate every key evidences for the cases. When such medicare fraud lawyers (www.whistlebloweraction.com) fight the cases, they hardly offer any loophole to the prosecution. So, to know more about the whistleblower attorneys, always visit their website.

Wednesday 14 December 2011

Reasons to Become a Whistleblower

Many a times, you might think that why there is a need to blow a whistle? The reasons behind blowing a whistle against frauds, abuses, medicare frauds, healthcare frauds etc, lies in big revenue loss and casualties that may occur due to it.

Government provides big aid to many medical institutes and charitable organization to help needy and poor people. But, the mediators and the medical institutes do not let the aid reach to needy people. Such corrupted medical institutes provide false documentations to the authorities and increases their personal wealth. Unfortunately, such medicare fraud and abuse or healthcare fraud and abuse create agitation against government and society by the people. Such heinous frauds provide wrong message to the nation.

In short, not blowing a whistle against frauds happening in your surroundings causes damage to the moral of the nation and public fund along with casualties. Today, at Whistleblower Action Network, there are medicare fraud lawyers are available who have extensive experience in the industry. Such whistleblower attorneys have resolved hundreds of cases helping in getting the honest justice to the victims.

So, you find something wrong or fraud happening in your surroundings, call the Whistleblower Action Network (www.whistlebloweraction.com) to get quick resolution and justice at reasonable rates.

Thursday 24 November 2011

Whistleblower Attorneys have Strong Local Network for Investigation

It is astonishing to see that whistleblower attorneys have won hundreds of cases concerning to various issues. There is hardly any case where attorneys’ caliber was challenged to win any specific case. The whistleblower attorneys are well prepared with authentic witnesses and relevant evidences.

The reason behind such a good performance lies in cross examine process. The whistleblower attorneys cross check every detail and information provided by the victim. The lawyers have best local network that help in providing every important detail and clue for the cases. The whistleblower attorneys check every loophole for evidence and proofs. This helps in reducing prosecution’s and jury’s time to have quick judgment.

Established in 2008, Whistleblower Action Network has experienced talented and knowledgeable team of whistleblower attorneys that is serving and helping thousands of victims to get their justice in the United States. These lawyers fight fraud cases against government, medicare fraud and abuse, healthcare fraud and abuse cases etc. Due to strong local network and experience gained in past many years, the whistleblower attorneys are able to win almost every case every year.

In case, you are a victim and want to know more about the whistleblower attorneys, visit the website (www.whistlebloweraction.com) now!

Monday 14 November 2011

Contact Medicare Fraud Lawyers to Fight Medicare Fraud and Abuse Cases

The major issues that many government is facing today is concerning to medical frauds and misconducts. Medical frauds are one of the heinous issues that spoil the reputation, offer big revenue loss to government and many a times causes casualties. Many medical institutes try to collect health care reimbursement by showing false documentations from the government authorities. Government authorities provide timely aid to help various medical institutes to help need people. The aid which is provided by authorities is adequate to purchase medical equipment and enough to offer proper medical aid to the patients.

However, at this point, the maximum medicare fraud and abuse take place. The health care fund which is supposed to help patients gets used in increasing personal wealth and saving. Therefore, if someone finds any medicare fraud and abuse is happening, then can contact the medicare fraud lawyers. These lawyers are also called as the whistleblower lawyers who have extensive experience as well as prestigious award winners.

Whistleblower Action Network organization has brilliant attorneys who are well-experienced, knowledgeable, talented and reputed in the United States. These whistleblower attorneys have won many cases including medicare fraud and abuse. The organization offers knowledgeable website (www.whistlebloweraction.com) that can guide you to about many rules and policies.

Friday 28 October 2011

Whistleblower Protection Act is a Shield against Medicare Frauds

People who used to witness many misconducts and medicare frauds & abuses in their surroundings and used to keep their mouth shut, now they can raise their voice. The reason behind such statements lies in the formation and passing of Whistleblower Protection Act in the constitution.

Now, there are no threats to the victim's rights or to the freedom from alleged bodies. Alleged bodies cannot bring any changes in the policies or in terms and conditions, if the victim is an employee in the company. Similarly, even if the alleged body does not have any relation concerning to profession with the victim, then also the employers or the concerning bodies can not make any amendments in the existing policies and in regulations.

These days, we often encounter with medicare fraud and abuse or pharmaceutical fraud and abuse in our surroundings. Therefore, raise your voice to stop the injustice and frauds happening in the medical institutes and in medical companies.

Whistleblower attorneys are there to protect your rights and help you in getting justice sooner. To know more you visit the website now!

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Experienced Attorneys with Strong Network

Expecting justice when there is lack of evidence is always next to impossible. Especially in cases like healthcare fraud and abuse, such cases are always equips with lack of evidence and details. This provides many loopholes during prosecution which turn justice in to delay.

Such delays help the alleged bodies to play with evidence and details. End result always turns justice to delay or make it inappropriate. One of the companies in the United States named as Whistleblower Action Network can turn a case with lack of evidence providing it a perfect justice. The reason behind such exceptions lies in their highly qualified and experienced attorneys.

The whistleblower attorneys in the company have won various prestigious awards for their excellent work and support to justice. Whenever any case is prosecuted by them, these lawyers do a thorough check on the details and on the evidences. The attorneys have a strong local network that equips them to get every hideous details and information about the case. This helps in eliminating loopholes and weak prosecution that demands time and results in inappropriate justice.

Contacting the whistleblower attorneys for any medicare fraud and abuse will provide fast justice with appropriate justice.

Wednesday 28 September 2011

Serving Many for Years with Strong Prosecution

Since 2008, Whistleblower Action Network is serving and representing citizens in the United Sates. The company comprises of well-qualified and seasoned attorneys who have won prestigious awards in their respective subjects.

Whistleblower attorneys treat every case patiently and thoroughly. Every evidence and detail provided by the victim is cross-examined by the lawyers thoroughly. The attorneys cross examines the details with the help of false claim act lawyers, detective agencies etc. This helps in having the proper hideous information in the case. Such workouts also provide eliminating any loopholes and weak evidences in the case.

During the prosecution, due to providing strong and accurate evidences helps jury to declare the judgment easily and quickly. The cases like medicare fraud and abuse, healthcare fraud and abuse require strong evidence to prove the alleged a culprit. Such cases are always equipped with lack of evidence and details.

But the every whistleblower attorney is quite sharp and knowledgeable to acquire evidence to offer justice. To know more about the Whistleblower Action Network and whistleblower attorneys, kindly visit the website  now!

Monday 12 September 2011

Help in Eliminating Medicare Fraud & Abuse from the Country

These days, medical frauds and misconducts are the most prominent issues prevailing in the medical institutes. Such things not only spoils the trust on the medical institutes but provide big loses to the government authorities funding the concerning organizations.

Various hospitals and various banks are adequately funded by the government authorities to provide better treatment facilities and lucrative financial schemes to help needy people in the state and in the country. Government authorities are funding the concerning organizations with millions of dollars every year.

Such relief funds have offered various ill-minds to play with the schemes and facilities provided by the helping bodies. By providing fake paper and evidences, the ill-elements manage to earn good dollars for nothing.

In case, you find something happening nearby you, then raise an alarm. There are highly qualified and experience whistleblower attorneys are available in Whistleblower Action Network organization. This company and their legal representatives are highly experienced and have acquired various awards concerning to the healthcare fraud and abuse, medicare fraud and abuse etc. Till date, there is hardly any case which these lawyers failed to provide justice.

To know more about the company and whistleblower attorneys, kindly visit the website now!

Monday 29 August 2011

Best Company with Best False Claims Act Lawyer

False Claims Act was passed on March 2 in 1863. As per the law if any company or any person found to be guilty under the act, they have to pay hefty amount as fine. The amount could vary and accused have to pay back three times the actual damages suffered and penalties that could be $5,500 to $11,000. There are various law firms that provide attorneys to fight cases against the frauds happening in the society.

In Whistleblower Action Network, every false claims act lawyer has license to fight the cases. In fact there are lawyers in the company who have won various national and international awards for providing justice to various victims.

The cases that are mostly charged against the person or companies include knowingly offering a false record or statement of material, money or property, conspiring to violate the law etc. These are the main acts that are covered under by the false claims act lawyer of the company.

Thursday 11 August 2011

Whistleblower Protection Act a Great Success

Raising voice against misconduct, frauds, illegal activities are the basic responsibility of every citizen in the country. And to protect the authorities of a citizen, there are whistleblower attorneys found in almost every state in the country.

These lawyers are having won various award concerning to fraud, medicare and Medicaid fraud, defense contractor fraud cases etc. After the declaration of whistleblower protection act, the cases against the misconduct and frauds increased tremendously in the courts.

As per the act the alleged cannot make any amendments in the policies during the prosecution. Also the victims must get full protection till the time justice is not declared. These act helped various institutes, organizations, employees who came up with various issues that is affecting the country since years or decades.

Every whistleblower attorney does proper background verification before a case is prosecuted in the court. The team has a wide network consists of local layers, private detective agencies etc, which provide various information concerning to victim and alleged body. Therefore, before the prosecution starts the attorneys comes to know about the strength and loopholes in the case.

Monday 27 June 2011

Let’s Make our Nation Better with the Help of Whistleblower Attorneys

What is a nation? A nation is formed from the group of societies and societies by group of families. To keep the nation developing and developed we require being alerted and attentive to details. We are supposed to report any misconduct, frauds or anything wrong happening in the society to authorities. For reporting all misconducts we have whistleblower attorney firms that take care of the cases seriously. When ever any case is forwarded to firms like Whistleblower Action Network, the attorneys cross examine the issues seriously before proceedings.

In 1980, the whistleblower protection act was passed and since then the victims have taken the sigh of relief in complaining directly about authorities or organizations. Now, people have started calling up such attorney’s firm to get justice and make the society clean. Doing such things helps in eradicating ill-elements from the system. Once the unparliamentarily things are destroyed, the whole system works fine and helps in benefiting every citizens.

Whistleblower firms are comprises of attorneys that are prestigious award winners as well as hold years of experience in the field. There could be hardly any cases where they saw failure, otherwise, every case lead for its justice till date. In case you want to know more about the law firm, kindly visit online for more information.

Tuesday 14 June 2011

Eradicate Misconduct & Frauds by Contacting Whistleblower Firm

We always complain about misconduct, frauds, cheating and corruption happening in our society and in our organization. Though many a times we feel like raising the voice against all odds in our society or in country. But due to protection issues, we prefer to keep ourselves completely quite concerning to above mentioned issues.

But after passing of whistleblower protection act in 80’s, raising the whistle against any odds is easy and secure. Due to well-versed whistleblower attorneys in the country, everyone feels very safe in concerning to human rights in the society or in organization. Under the protection act, during the prosecution the employer or the accused body can not bring any changes in the terms and conditions of the policies signed or accepted earlier by victim.

Whenever a case is transferred to a whistleblower attorney, the case is thoroughly verified by the prosecution before any proceedings. Thus, loosing any loopholes or any proceedings due to lack of witness get cancelled. Following such system enhances the chance for winning the case our injustice.

In case you are a victim or have smelled something wrong happening in authority or in society, then contact Whistleblower Action Network immediately to get the justice. They are experts in helping whistleblowers blow a whistle against unlawful activities.

Friday 27 May 2011

Contacting False Claim Act Lawyers to Solve Qui tam Cases

You must have come across fraudulent cases in the medical institutions and pharmaceutical companies under federal government. And, the two most common illegal practices prevailing in health care sectors must be billing of services and medical products that has not been provided and the pharmaceutical kickbacks, wherein physicians are provided with hidden payments for prescribing medicines and treatments which are least effective to the specific ailments.

Unlike others, if you deeply feel for the well-being of people around you, then it’s high time to raise your voice against such pharmaceutical frauds. You can seek legal support from Whistleblower Action Network, a Chicago-based legal firm and can step towards whistle blowing. According to False Claim Act, an individual can report against the fraudulent cases against the government, irrespective of whether he/she is associated with the government.

At Whistleblower Action Network, you will find award-winning false claim act lawyers who are experienced in solving cases of medicare fraud and abuses (qui tam cases). They have in depth knowledge about the rules and regulation under Whistleblower Protection Act and are able to provide security support to the whistleblowers.

Your bold step against medicare fraud will contribute a lot for the development of society. Contact the experienced attorneys and start blowing whistle from now onwards!

Sunday 8 May 2011

Blow Whistle against Medicare Fraud Cases to Develop a Corrupt-Free Society

Cases on medicare fraud and abuses are increasing at an alarming rate. While some cases get exposed before the government and public, most of them go unnoticed.

Fraud cases involving doctors and pharmaceutical companies especially on the unauthorized billing of experimental medical devices and medicines are widespread all over the world. The court of law receives countless pharmaceutical fraud and often, each case take years to get solved.

If you want to file legal actions against medicare fraud and abuse prevailing in the United States, then there is a possibility to get your qui tam case solved within a limited span of time. Before blowing whistle against pharmaceutical fraud, consider contacting Whistleblower Action Network. This Chicago-based legal firm has award winning lawyers to support you throughout the entire litigation process of your cases.

It is often seen, that whistleblowers face certain security problems at the expense of their bold action. As such, the attorneys working with Whistleblower Action Network take adequate step to provide high-security to the whistleblowers. Besides this, you can also expect to get represented in the society for your courageous step.

Blowing whistle against corruption is a way to develop the society. Not everyone though, you can start whistle blowing and can inspire others to be a part of this movement

Friday 22 April 2011

Whistle blowing against Healthcare Fraud and Abuses

Almost, everyday you must have come across fraudulent cases in various sectors including education, financial market, insurance, healthcare and pharmaceuticals and other private and government organizations. Of the many, healthcare fraud and abuses occurring in the medical institutions and pharmaceutical companies are affecting the life of people to a great extend.

A few doctors consider collecting money at the expense of the life of their patients. You might find some cases on pharmaceutical kickbacks wherein in doctors are bribed to provide unauthorized treatment to their patients. Unless a patient have medical knowledge, he/she can hardly understand about the improper treatment procedures and may suffer from prolonged diseases. Health care frauds and abuses can be observed during the health programs conducted by the government. Although government makes huge funding to provide healthcare services to the common people in the society, only a few people receive proper services during the program.

If you have noticed illegal practices associated with health care institutions, then you can think about blowing whistle to eradicate such corruptions from the society. To get quality legal support, you can contact the experienced Medicare fraud lawyers working with Whistleblower Action Network. The attorneys associated with this Chicago-based legal firm will perform initial evaluation of your case for free of cost and then will continue for legal proceeding depending upon the status of the case.

So, take bold step against healthcare fraud and abuse and help ill people to get proper healthcare services for better life.

Tuesday 12 April 2011

Filing Legal Action against Medicaid Frauds

If you are residing in the United States, then you must have come across health programs organized by the state and federal governments in the country. Also, known as Medicaid, such programs are organized for people with low income who are unable to get proper health-related services. Although, governments take adequate step for the well-being of the society, some people leave no stone unturned to fill in their pockets with the funding meant for the under privileged people.

You might have noticed many physicians and pharmaceutical companies taking advantage of the healthcare programs and committing fraudulent cases. Medical scams generally include unnecessary billing of health-care services that has not been provided to the people. Besides this, many pharmaceutical companies consider bribing the physicians for prescribing medicines which are not meant for curing certain diseases. Although, many people overlook to report against such misconducts, you can think about exposing such issues.

But, prior to blowing whistle against fraudulent cases on Medicaid, be sure to have legal support from experienced Medicaid fraud attorneys. The legal steps against the powerful personalities in your society might lead you to encounter certain problems while filing qui tam cases in the court of law. You can consider contacting the award-wining attorneys in Whistleblower Action Network who have gained years of experience in solving qui tam cases involving government contractors, Medicare and Medicaid frauds.

So, think about filing legal action against healthcare fraud and abuses and challenge the people associated with pharmaceutical frauds

Tuesday 29 March 2011

Hire Lawyers Well-Versed with False Claim Act

The act of whistle blowing is worth the risk and whistleblowers may have little knowledge about the provisions of False Claim Act. The lack of knowledge about the law may create misconception and the whistleblower may not be accredited for his courageous deed. Therefore, it is necessary to hire experienced lawyers who are well-versed with False Claim Act.
Originally passed during the American Civil War (1861-1865), the False Claim Act law allows a citizen to file action against the federal contractors, who are accused of fraud cases against the government. Also, the law has a provision according to which whistleblowers are rewarded with 15-30% of the amount recovered from the defaulters.
Whistleblower Action Network in Chicago is one such authentic law firm where experienced lawyers take pleasure to represent whistleblowers throughout the United States and prosecute cases on behalf of their clients and the government.  This affiliation of lawyers is thorough with the Whistleblower Protection Act and is able to handle legal cases such as pharmaceutical fraud, private insurance fraud and illegal actions in the field of education, public work places, financial market etc.
At Whistleblower Action Network, the lawyers undergo complete investigation of the qui tam cases and achieve best possible result for their clients. If you are carrying out a whistle blowing action in your area, then it’s time to hire lawyers from credible firm so that you can win against the bad practices prevailing in the society.

Saturday 19 March 2011

Blow a Whistle against Pharmaceutical Fraud Cases to Protect Public Interest

Have you ever wondered about raising voice against fraud cases in the pharmaceutical company you are working with? Well, you can now blow a whistle against the misconduct and report the issues to the person in authority. You can expose the fraud cases before public and protect public interest.

Many pharmaceutical companies are often brought into limelight for undertaking off-label marketing practices. This illegal activity includes marketing of pharmaceutical products for unapproved medical reasons. Besides this, you might have come across some cases wherein doctors are pressurized to prescribe only those medicines, which are being manufactured by specific pharmaceutical companies. The medicine may not work out properly to cure certain diseases and patients may suffer from long-term illness.

Being a whistleblower, if you want to eradicate cases related to medicare fraud and abuses then you can seek assistance from attorneys handling medicaid fraud cases. Are you afraid of taking the first step towards public interest?

Take the help of Whistleblower Action Network based in Chicago that has a team of experienced lawyers to prosecute whistle blowing cases. The attorneys are also well-versed with legal rules related to whistleblower protection act, false claim act etc. to ensure right step at the right direction.

So, get in touch with experienced attorneys and let your pharmaceutical fraud cases solved in a successful manner.

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Qui tam Lawyers- Hire Right One to Resolve Whistleblower Cases

If you have information on any type of fraudulent practices happening around, then step ahead towards seeking help from qui tam lawyers. They are specialized in handling legal cases brought under False Claim Act Law on behalf of the United States Government. Qui tam lawyers prosecute cases for individuals who report against the unlawful activities in private or public sector.
While selecting right attorney for your Whistle blowing cases, you should consider the following points mentioned below:
·         Experience of the lawyer in terms of success with Qui tam cases
·         Area of specialization opted by the qui tam lawyers and his/her knowledge about the Whistleblower Protection Act
·         Reputed attorneys who have relationship with government investigators and prosecutors such that they can undergo legal proceedings successfully
·         Law firms which ensure maximum recovery of False Claims Act cases at low expense
Now-a-days a number of law firms are offering legal support to whistleblowers. In order to get credible attorney, you can contact Whistleblower Action Network who helps to resolve your qui tam cases.
 It is an affiliation of award-winning lawyers who represents whistleblowers throughout the United States. They undergo complete investigation of the cases on behalf of their clients at their own expense and file cases in an authentic manner.
So, don’t look anywhere else! All you have to do is to fill in the questionnaire available over the website (LINK) of Whistleblowers Action Network and build relationship with the attorneys for your cases.

Thursday 24 February 2011

Whistleblower Lawyers- Seek Legal Support against Pharmaceutical Fraud Cases

These days, malpractices in the health care sector are increasing at an alarming rate. Many pharmaceutical fraud cases are held before the Court of Law and most of the cases are exposed by individuals who carry the guts to report against misconduct happening in the pharmaceutical industries.
Medicaid fraud may be an effort to trick the medical system by billing for services that has not been delivered or may be the false certification of medical necessities to justify payment. And, an informal step by whistleblowers against these Medicare fraud and abuses helps to maintain healthcare resources.
Medicaid fraud may involve issues like:
·         Billing for healthcare programs that has not been provided to the patients
·         False certification of medical records, necessities and treatments
·         Providing information to false medical contractor
·         Physical abuse or negligence during health care program
The action against Medicaid fraud by whistleblower comes under the law of False Claim Act. Whistleblower lawyers play an integral role to resolve such qui tam cases.
Whistleblower Action Network is a reputed law firm in Chicago has employed award-winning whistleblower lawyers to help those who want potential recovery against pharmaceutical fraud cases. They have group of attorneys, who are skilled in interpreting cases following the Whistleblower Protection Act of 1989.
Being a whistleblower, if you are looking for potential lawyers for your Medicaid fraud cases, then you can get in touch with them for easy and appropriate solutions at the earliest.